Thème Réunion 2006

Nos Souvenir en Avenir

Hello and welcome to all!

Here we are gathered for the 9th meeting of the family of Marie-Louise and Georges Sasseville.

Started in 1990, the tradition of our meetings has been a wonderful success. Your presence here, now, ensures good and rich moments together.

You will recall that our plan and goal was to always maintain our commitment to the family spirit, inherited from our ancestors and our grandparents. It’s our legacy!

The theme of the meeting this year: “Our Memories for the Future” is a reflection of the past and its influence on our lives.

Our memories are formed from our history, our traditions, how our ancestors lived, their faith, creed, valor, ambitions, and responsibility towards family. Our parents, and our grandparents have done their duty and fulfilled their mission. Our memory is the memory of what they were. It is an awareness that without them, without their efforts, we could no be who we are.

These memories that bind us to those who preceded us can help us look to our future while strengthening and ensuring real values.

Your presence already shows your commitment to the family and its history. Today it is not easy to arrange schedules to meet every two years and choose to come share with uncles, aunts, cousins, spouses, and children. Dear parents, continue to cultivate relationships with your family at this reunion and also between all reunions. That this beautiful flame shines permanently!

In life, unfortunately, there are sad events out of our control control that we need to emphasize.

In 2005, Hervé, Martha’s husband, father and grandfather of a beautiful family, died suddenly. His rapid departure affected us all. Hervé was always very attached to the family of Marie-Louise and George. He came regularly to Lac St-Jean. He was always ready to serve. You remember at the reunion of 2004 he organized a golf course to much success. He and Martha are in our thoughts and all members of his family.

A word to emphasize the death in 2005 of a friend of the family, Bibiane Séguin. We lost in her a person attached to the organization of our meetings and very dedicated family.

Have a special thought for all family members whose mission is complete on earth. With Mary-Louise and Georges, they watch over us.

There are also happy events. The family grows with  birth announcements and new couples are formed. Congratulations to all the new parents, and to all the new members. Thank you, for this is so important. We particularly want to make mention of the marriage of Martha and Warren in 2006. Thank you for being with us, congratulations and heres to much happiness. Today, July 29, also underscores the 1st anniversary of Mireille and Denis. Congratulations to you both.

A sincere thank you to all those who are committed and have dedicated themselves since the beginning of these feasts to making it a grand success. Thank you for the contribution of each. Your commitment is a guarantee of success.

I conclude by thanking you all for being here with us. Enjoy this day of reunion. Have fun with joy, love, sharing and brotherhood.

And the fun begins!

Paulette Sasseville Gravel
July 2006