Thème Réunion 2016
Le Bonheur au Présent | Happiness in the Present
Bonjour tout le monde,
Dire merci à la vie.
Se sentir comme une oiseau.
Donner de l’amour, de l’attention et des encouragements.
Déployer la reconnaissance et la compassion.
Le Comité de la famille Georges Sasseville et Marie-Louise Potvin est d’accord à ce que je souligne quelques éléments au sujet de l’année de la Miséricorde que le Pape François a inaugurée le 1 janvier 2016.
Hello everybody,
It is with hearts full of happiness that we are pleased to welcome you today. We hope you are fit and ready for a great family day out. Today what is honored is:
But what is happiness? Happiness is different for each person, it is not measured, but it felt inside of us. Happiness is independent, autonomous and does not need any material, external or human realization to be able to exist. There are small ones and there are some great bombers and there are people who will never find happiness, it is to dream of too great a happiness, let us know today to pick happiness with a small drop, for drops become an ocean of happiness at the end of the day.
Let us not seek happiness in our memories.
Let us not seek happiness in the future,
Let us seek happiness in the present moment.
Today, cultivate your happiness in every little moment that you will spend in the day to be happy. Enjoy life every day as if it were your last. To conclude, here is the recipe for happiness according to Louise Portal:
Open your eyes each morning and
Say thank you to life.
Sing, hum, whistle.
Take your shipment and
Feel like a bird.
In each of your gestures of the day,
Give love, attention and encouragement.
In each of your thoughts,
Deploy recognition and compassion.
Nourishing the heart, is acquiring a recipe for happiness.
On this we wish you a nice day and have fun.
The Family Committee Georges Sasseville and Marie-Louise Potvin agrees that I would like to highlight a few things about the Year of Mercy that Pope Francis inaugurated on January 1, 2016.
What a great opportunity for all of us, during this family gathering, to reflect on this subject. Divine Mercy is the goodness of God which makes him forgive the faults of men so that the purpose of love of God which has created him for happiness may be fulfilled in them. Men too were invited to the image of the heart of God.
What matters most to Pope Francis is the family. We need to listen to families and their needs. Let us open our hearts to these thoughts. The family unit is a milieu where faith, love and hope live. It is a place to exercise mercy.
Let us be merciful and receive mercy!
Good day to all.
Paulette Sasseville – July 2016